This video was my music video directorial debut, for our good friends Bad Ash. The video was shot at a party house in Allston, in the back laundry room. Trust me, it was even more crowded than it looks, and yes, all those people were really there. The beer thing with the Pabst Blue Ribbon at the end was completely spur of the moment, and it came out great! Enjoy!
I’m not asking annoye to play more shows, just please explain how to get tickets to the NYC or Boston show without having to let Stubhub or some other shyster `find love in my hole`. My buddy just got back from deployment and we were planning on traveling across the country to see FR. I’m a huge fan mainly based on how I thought they respected their loyal fans and how I daydream about the playing of Keep Yourself Warm’ at my wedding reception. What’s the deal with tickets selling out in minutes?